The Roll Up

Pilates Mat - The Roll UpThe Roll Up is a delicious exercise once your core is strong enough to get you up with minimal effort. The exercise requires a deep powerhouse connection and is an excellent stretch for the spine and the back of the legs. No matter your level the first one is always the most challenging, but with each repetition you feel the stiffness in your body slip away.


Please read both the ideal exercise and the modifications before attempting anything. If you have an injury and/or any pain issues it is strongly advised to consult with your doctor before starting a new exercise routine. If approved for exercise please use the modified versions. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to send me an email.

These instructions, photos, and video are intended for educational purposes only. I share these with my clients so they can remember their “exercise homework”. This page is not intended for use by people who have not taken my lessons. If you use this resource page you are doing so at your own risk.


  1. Lie on your back with straight legs
  2. Reach your arms back, palms always facing forward
  3. Return your arms forward and lift your head off the mat
  4. Lower arms towards torso and
  5. EXHALE SLOWLY as you peel your shoulders off the mat
  6. Sequentially roll all the way up while exhaling
  7. Stretch and reach forward
  8. Relax your neck and shoulders
  9. Bring your forehead to your legs
  10. INHALE SLOWLY to roll all the way down to the starting position
  11. Repeat 3-8 times


  • The Half Roll Down
  • Seated with slightly bent legs
  • Place hands on thighs and use arms to assist you coming up
  • Instead of reaching your arms back in Step 2, reach the arms to the ceiling, directly over the shoulders and perpendicular to the floor/ceiling


  • Magic Circle in hands
  • Instead of lowering your arms towards the torso in Step 4, keep the arms reaching to the ceiling while you roll up


Link to my Vimeo video coming soon…